Laptop & Modern Browser
A desktop computer or laptop (Windows, Mac or Linux) is required to access interactive content on
Note: Interactive content will not work on mobile phones and most tablets (e.g. iPads).
Google Chrome is fast, free and includes the most sophisticated features required to enable interactive strategy exercises for your prep. You can download it HERE.
Mozilla Firefox is another good alternative. You can download it HERE.
Note: IE/Edge/Safari are unfortunately not compatible with StratInterviews' interactive exercises. The good news is that you will not use them as a consultant!
High-Speed Internet
High-speed Internet access, such as fiber/T1, DSL2, cable, or 4G-based WiFi, is highly recommended for video-based exercises.
You can still access the different sections of the site and the prep exercises with an average connection, but you should anticipate some uploading/downloading delays.
Note: the quality of the video stream can be impacted by the volume of Internet traffic at the time of transmission or by ISP service issues. STRATINTERVIEWS is unable to control ISP or internet traffic issues and recommends that along with working with STRATINTERVIEWS Customer Service, you consider contacting your ISP as part of internet troubleshooting steps.
Audio & Video
You will hear interviewers and be asked to speak as if you were in an actual interview.
You thus need a microphone and a camera (e.g. webcam) connected to your computer/laptop. You will need to grant your browser access to these. Chrome / Firefox should normally ask you for permissions when needed but in case of issue you can find detailed instructions here for Chrome: and here for Firefox.
You also need functioning sound card and speakers or headphones to listen to interviewers (default in 99.99% computers/laptops).